About the Academy
About the Academy
The Joint Polytechnic Academy for Educators (JP-AcE) was set up in 2022 as a centralised academy dedicated to developing and raising the Teaching & Learning (T&L) capability of polytechnic educators.
Our Vision, Mission and Values
We offer a suite of joint-polytechnic T&L baseline capability development programmes and certifications, such as Certificate in T&L for Polytechnic Educators (CTLPE), Certificate in T&L for Adjunct Lecturers (CTLAL), School Leadership Move-In Programme (SLMP), T&L Mentor Move-In Programme (TLMP) and Course Leadership Move-In Programme (CLMP), amongst other programmes and initiatives, to strengthen the T&L capabilities of polytechnic educators.
JP-AcE takes guidance from the Joint Polytechnic Committee to Enhance Teaching & Learning (JP-CETL) Steering Committee and works closely with the polytechnics and other stakeholders.
Information on JP-CETL is provided below.
The JP-CETL was established in 2013 with the objective of “initiating, developing and nurturing a strong teaching and learning culture across all five polytechnics in Singapore”.
The five polytechnics are:
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- Republic Polytechnic
- Singapore Polytechnic
- Temasek Polytechnic
The committee undertakes strategic projects which result in recommendations and frameworks that serve as a sector-wide reference for the five polytechnics. Polytechnics adapt these to their own contexts as part of on-going efforts to enhance the quality of teaching and learning outcomes for students. In some cases, projects lead to sectorial programmes that are developed and run jointly across the various polytechnics.
Their work has led to clearer articulation of expectations of polytechnic lecturers and alignment in the teaching and learning roles across the polytechnics, and allowed the polytechnic sector to better meet modern day challenges.